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TNA Impact, New Screenshots + Informations

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-The Phenomenal-
CAT_IMG Posted on 13/10/2007, 17:01

Cazzo, anche se dura poco, sembra una figata pazzesca. Penso sia per la PS2
CAT_IMG Posted on 13/10/2007, 21:06




Non è che in Italia non arriva ?
CAT_IMG Posted on 13/10/2007, 22:06

Stardust Crusader

Tra Milano e Verona



E comunque, quella è la grafica per le console di nuova generazione.

Screen di Christian Cage contro Samoa Joe.
Anche qui rimane la barra che indica i danni subiti dai lottatori e quella per la mossa finale (o momentum, che dir si voglia).

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Crazy Burst
CAT_IMG Posted on 14/10/2007, 01:17

Samoa Joe vs Christian Cage:

:Q______________ (E' solo una preview di dimostrazione quindi i Moveset utilizzati non sono i loro, a parte due-tre mosse)

In aggiunta uno Screenshot del menu principale e un primo piano di Jeff Jarrett:

SPOILER (click to view)

Edited by Crazy Burst - 14/10/2007, 02:39
CAT_IMG Posted on 14/10/2007, 08:28

Stardust Crusader

Tra Milano e Verona


"Dropkick, fai il dropkick ora !!!"

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CAT_IMG Posted on 14/10/2007, 09:16

Stardust Crusader

Tra Milano e Verona



As of now there are 25 wrestlers in the game

Each system WILL have exclusives but they have not been determined as of yet

Season mode will be based fully on the created wrestlers, there will be no season for the standard roster. It starts with the player waking up after plastic surgery in Mexico and then deciding to enter wrestling….

You can defend titles in exhibition mode.

A demo will be available in spring.

You WILL be able to put your music into entrances

There will not be create a entrance. There will be the regular roster’s intros and 10 or so generic to choose from.

Downloadable content is in the planning stages. Something Midway would like to do but are not sure if it will make it.

The “cut off” for the roster and attire is January. They shouldn’t have problem adding people until then.

You cannot fight on the stage or leave the ring area.

Tables are in. Ladders are questionable. I wouldn’t count on flaming tables either.

Commentary is in. It is still very early with only a few phrases hard to tell the final outcome.

Each profile will have 16 CAW spots.

Six sides of steel match is in.

Unlockable content is a yes. Money will be used to unlock things. Not sure what will be unlockable move sets are almost certain.

The game WILL NOT feature any type of ref.

The game will have around 2500 moves.

The game will only feature four wrestlers on the screen period. Four wrestlers online period.

Weight detection will be in. Midway promises game play like no other. I can’t comment on this with the build I played. I will explain this in greater detail later this evening.

Wrestlers will carry belts to the ring around their waists; this is planned as of now.

Area specific damage is in and should play a major role in game play.

The facial expressions WILL CHANGE based on what is happening to the wrestler.

Wrestlers should have two attires in multi colors.

There will be around eight arenas which will be unlocked as you play through story mode.


The only online mod planned is exhibition.

According to Midway CAWS should look just as real as the preloaded wrestlers.

King of the Mountain is in. How it will work exactly is on the table.

Run-Ins will enter the ring for thity seconds or so then exit or remain ringside they will only help for thirty seconds.

The DPad on the Xbox (this will vary based on each system) controls run-ins. It will also allow you to have a “second wind” and further more perform “dirty moves.” However these will only be able to be done once a match each.

AJ and Samoa have been to at least five game design meetings. As well as Christopher Daniels.

Tag Team Moves are in, 3D is in.

You should be able to do wrestler vs. wrestler. IE Kurt Angle vs. Kurt Angle.

Wii will be online, PS2 will be online.


Niente arbitro...

Non si può combattere sullo stage...

Si possono fare incontri del tipo Kurt Angle contro se stesso...

Run In di soli 30 secondi...

Solo 25 wrestler...

Commento : Mah.
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CAT_IMG Posted on 14/10/2007, 12:46




Sullo stage no, ma si può andare fuori ring. Alla fine è relativa la cosa.
Crazy Burst
CAT_IMG Posted on 14/10/2007, 13:38

In base alle informazioni il game è completo al 60-70%, per questo esce a Maggio, perciò dovrebbero avere il tempo di aggiustare qualcosina e aggiungere altri wrestlers.
L'unico motivo per cui puoi fare Kurt Angle vs Kurt Angle è che se vuoi modificare i wrestlers direttamente non puoi, ma volendo puoi copiarli in uno slot CAW e farne un doppio da poter modificare.
Poi sinceramente di lottare nello stage e di non avere l'arbitro a me non importa nulla, non è che questo impedisca a me di comprarlo :asd: . Per essere partiti da 0 a me sembra che siano riusciti a fare un game abbastanza completo, poi bisognerà aspettare ancora mesi per la build finale.
Crazy Burst
CAT_IMG Posted on 14/10/2007, 20:44

Nuovo video che mostra Sting vs Kurt Angle(si può pure zoomare o_o):

Naturalmente anche in questo caso i Movesets sono dimostrativi quindi non sono i loro.

La cover ufficiale del videogame:


Articolo di Gamespot sul videogame:
SPOILER (click to view)
ATLANTA--Samoa Joe, A.J. Styles, Christian Cage, Christopher Daniels. Pay attention to these names, wrestling video game fans, because these stars and a host of others will be coming your way with Midway's upcoming TNA iMPACT!, the debut game based on the five-year old wrestling promotion. Tonight, on the eve of TNA's Bound for Glory pay-per-view event, we got to try out iMPACT! tor the first time to see what Midway is bringing to the genre that, at least here in the States, has been dominated by the WWE for so long.

We'll admit to skepticism before playing iMPACT! After all, practically any game can look good in trailer format, and Midway's trailer for iMPACT! looks good indeed, full of fast-moving action, and spot on character models. After having seen actual gameplay--and tried the game for ourselves--we're happy to report that, yes, the game's pace is nice and quick, and, yes, those character models look just as good as the trailer indicates. Models for Samoa Joe and Chris Daniels are dead-ringers for the real thing and small details, such as skin textures (all of which are based on the wrestler's real skin texture, scars, scratches, and all) and gleaming sweat beads make iMPACT's wrestler models look good straight away.

Getting the wrestlers to look like their real selves is only half of the battle. The real proof in the pudding is in how the wrestlers move. After all, for a wrestling game being built from the ground up, one of the biggest challenges for the developers of iMPACT! is creating a set of moves to work from. All of it is new--every punch, every kick, every arm bar, every reaction shot--all of it motion-captured over the past several months to build the ever-growing library of animations that will help bring the great-looking character models to life.

Talking to the wrestlers involved in the game--A.J. Styles told us he, Samoa Joe, and Daniels have been involved with the project from the get-go--you can tell how passionate they are about creating a great wrestling game. The motion captured moves you see happening in the game weren't captured by scrubs from the local gym--those are the actual moves from the actual TNA talent, as evidenced by the long hours they spent in the mo-cap studios. Ask TNA wrestler Sonjay Dutt, who got banged up during one session performing one of his dangerous high-flying moves.

The build of iMPACT! we played was a work-in-progress (developers said the game was a bit over halfway complete). As a result, the only playable matches in the game were of the one-on-one variety with just a small representative sample of the TNA wrestlers that will be part of the final game. For those who are keeping score, here's the roster that was on hand: A.J. Styles, Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle, Scott Steiner, Eric Young, Abyss, Sting, Chris Sabin, Christian Cage, Hernandez, Homicide, Jeff Jarret, and Rhino. Because the developers are still in the process of collecting and assigning move sets, all of the characters in the game were using the same moves (resulting in some hilarious moments of the monster Abyss doing perfectly executed back flips off the top rope). In the months leading up to the game's release in spring 2008, the developers will be working to ensure that all the wrestlers in the game have their own individual styles that matches up with how they actually work in the ring. In addition, the game will add additional features and game modes that are currently missing including Ultimate X matches, tag team bouts, online play, the create-a-wrestler feature, and the game's story mode.

As for what is currently in the game, well, it's a good start to say that iMPACT! is going to play quicker than long-time wrestling game fans might expect. Players zip across the mat (you can run simply by holding down the right trigger) and all the moves performed by the wrestlers are snappy and have a nice sense of impact to them.

Controls are straightforward and easy to pick up. You move with the left stick and the basic moves--kick, punch, and grapple--are performed with the A, X, and Y buttons respectively. The left button acts as a modifier, and can turn your standard kick to the gut, to a flying kick to your opponent's thighs that will send him face-first into the mat. When running you can perform moves like flying headbutts and drop kicks, the former of which was extremely overpowered in the build we played; you could pretty much nail your opponent with the move any time you wanted. Needless to say, developers are still in the process of balancing the various moves in the game.

Other controls in the game include the B button for action moves, the right and left button pressed together to do a variety of taunts with your wrestler, and the right button by itself to counter strikes and grapples. The timing window for counters seemed a little generous for our tastes, despite there being on on-screen indicator to clue you in on when you could attempt a counter. Multiple counters will be possible to string together until one player is able to pull off the move. In addition, the game will also include combo strike moves, such as a succession of kicks you can pull off with just a few presses of the button.

The game didn't seem to have much in the way of submission moves, instead focusing on the high-impact moves. We do understand that all the wrestlers will have their own finishers that can be accessed by building up an iMPACT! meter located in the corners of the screen. In addition, a color-coded damage indicator will give you a good idea of how your wrestler is faring as the match progresses--green is good, orange is bad, and red, well, if you're red, you'd best not get pinned. Getting pinned, however, will result in a minigame where you have to shake the right or left stick back and forth as fast as you can before the 1-2-3 count. The faster you move the stick, the quicker you'll fill up an on-screen meter; fill it completely and you'll kick out of the pin, often at the last second. The developers are adding more of these little mini-games (such as one where you have to break out of a backbreaker hold by timing your escape just so as a green icon moves back and forth quickly across a horizontal meter).

iMPACT!'s presentation will appear much like the weekly television program, with lively fans at ringside (and hotspots out side the ring you can bash your opponent into), colorful lighting, and of course, TNA announcers Mike Tenay and Don West at ringside calling all of the action. We personally can't wait to see how loud Don West screams. We don't even care what he's talking about.

Our first impressions of TNA iMPACT! were very positive. Certainly, Midway has plenty to do to not only finish this game but to catch up to the depth and breadth of its grappling game competition. Still, as a first effort, iMPACT! seems well on its way to capturing the exciting, upstart spirit of the promotion its based on. Stay tuned for more on iMPACT! in the coming months as we lead up to its release in spring of next year.

Edited by Crazy Burst - 14/10/2007, 22:19
Mister W
CAT_IMG Posted on 15/10/2007, 11:22

Ma cosa guardano Cage e Jarrett :rotfl:
† Deadman Punisher †
CAT_IMG Posted on 15/10/2007, 12:46

E Sting? °_° :rotfl:

Comunque un gioco di wrestling senza arbitro non si può fare, và bene che son partiti da zero, però la cosa principale è proprio il referee ç_ç
Mister W
CAT_IMG Posted on 15/10/2007, 12:49

Quoto DP, la cosa bella di SD vs RAW è picchiare l'arbitro :ahsisi:
† Deadman Punisher †
CAT_IMG Posted on 15/10/2007, 13:31

La cosa bella è sempre fare l'arbitro speciale e picchiare chi vuoi tu, senza referee su questo gioco non potrai fare neppure questo.
CAT_IMG Posted on 15/10/2007, 13:33




Questo è vero.
"The Game" Triple H
CAT_IMG Posted on 15/10/2007, 15:24

Io faccio le season coi miei amici con SD Vs Raw(ora col 07, poi sarà col 08), ma non Season del gioco, proprio una nostra, nostre storyline, ecc, e i match li facciamo lì.

Bè, l'arbitro talvolta è fondamentale. Senza arbitro non c'è storia. Cioè, io vado a fare una Gore, il mio avversario si toglie ed è finita lì. Molte volte invece m'è capitata una cosa bellissima, cioè che il mio avversario si toglie e io vado a franare addosso all'arbitro! Poi, magari, quando è steso, si esce fuori ring e armi a tutto spiano. O se non si riesce a interrompere un conteggio in tempo, il più vicino è l'arbitro, allora si colpisce lui. Ma ci sono anche altri motivi che ora non mi vengono in mente percui avere l'arbitro sul ring è importante.

Non so voi, ma per me avere fisicamente l'arbitro all'interno del ring è fondamentale.

CITAZIONE (Mister W @ 15/10/2007, 12:22)
Ma cosa guardano Cage e Jarrett :rotfl:

Ma è ovvio: Cage e Jarrett guardano l'utente che sta comprando il gioco. Cage vuole intendere: "Mmmmh... Ma sei sicuro? Lo vuoi veramente comprare? Preferisco star qua a vedere la fighetta cassiera."

Jarrett dice: "Oh.. Ha ragione!"

Continuiamo a guardare la copertina con questa prospettiva. Cioè che il gioco sia in basso rispetto a noi, come se fosse su uno scaffale, ma più in basso. Così facendo, Jarrett e Cage ti guardano in faccia, Angle, invece, cerca di morsicarti il pisello.

Sting ha invece un'aria più intellettuale. Ma può anche essere interpretata così: Sting pensa: "Ma perchè quel ragazzo sta comprando SD Vs Raw 08???".

Io la vedo così. Si, se volete chiamatemi pure "Meteo: l'uomo che sussurrava alle cover".
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